Thursday, December 4, 2008

Intelligent Design

Our Creationist and Intelligent Design letter writers have convinced me that we can gain valuable insight into the Creator-Designer by studying the natural world. It makes sense that a well-designed system reveals much about the personality, intentions, and values of its creators.

Take human sexuality for example. The complementary configuration of male and female bodies combines mechanics with pleasure to ensure that humans will reproduce efficiently and enthusiastically. Good job, Creator-Designer!

What you might not know is that male bodies are also exquisitely configured for same-sex relations, being blessed with an intricate network of nerve cells in very unexpected places, and producing an intensity of pleasure that many say goes well beyond that experienced in male-female relations.

No less an authority on this is Dr. Paul Cameron, founder of the Family Research Institute, a leading conservative Christian organization. He states that if you want "the most satisfying orgasm you can get…then homosexuality seems too powerful to resist. It's almost like pure heroin. It's such a rush!" (Rolling Stone Magazine, March 18, 1999.)

Both these examples of Intelligent Design teach us that the Creator wants us to come together in celebration, joy, and pleasure. What a beautiful blessing! Thanks, Creator-Designer!

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