Friday, December 21, 2007

Words to Live By in 2008

As we near the end of this tired year and look ahead with hope to the new year, I've been pondering deep truths, asking myself, "What have I learned from life that might help others on their personal journey?" I have come up with these simple truths which have helped me in time of need. I hope that they help you as well, especially in the workplace.

1. Opinions are like ass holes: Everybody's got one, and most of them stink.

2. Every dog must lift its leg on every project.

3. People with a little bit of power always use it to its fullest extent, because that's the only way they know they've got it.

In addition, it's helped me to keep the universe in perspective by keeping these principles in mind:

1. It's all a joke. From top to bottom.

2. There's nobody making the joke.

3. The joke is on us.

(I choose to laugh at the joke. It's better than crying over it.)

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